MongoDB Auth 配置

  1. Start MongoDB without access control

mongod --port 27017 --dbpath /data/db1

  1. Connect to the instance

      mongo --port 27017
  2. Create the database administrator

    Add a use with the userAdminAnyDatabase role (this is DB SA role, this role even can’t show collections,not db user rol)

      use admin
         user: 'sa',
         pwd: 'welcome1',
         roles:[ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }]
     #you can use "show user" show all user in current database
     use <database>
     show users
     # if you want show current mongo instance all database  user
     user admin
  3. Re-start the MongoDB instance with access control Restart ths mongod instance with the –auth option,if using a conf file , the “security.authorization” setting.

    mongod --auth --port 27017 --dbpath /data/db1
  4. Authenticate as the use administrator

    mongo --port 27017 -u "sa" -p "welcome1" --authenticationDatabase "admin"
    mongo --port 27017
    use admin
  5. Create Database user role

        # we show you , how to create normal database user role
        #first use SA
        mongo --port 27017  -u "sa" -p "welcome1" --authenticationDatabase "admin"
        #second switch your normal database 
        #role : read/readWrite
        use borgnix
                {role: "readWrite",db:"borgnix"}
      show users
      #if not get any error, congratulations ,
      #use test01 login borgnix
      mongo --port 27017 -u "test1" -p "welcome1" --authenticationDatabase "borgnix"
      use borgnix
      #you can use other command ,like 'show collections'

    It’s all done!