CentOS 7 安装以及配置

  1. Disable SELINUX

    查看selinux 配置, 注意选择permissive或者disabled

[root@node01 centibox]# cat /etc/sysconfig/selinux # This file controls the state of SELinux on the system. # SELINUX= can take one of these three values: # enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced. # permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing. # disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded. SELINUX=enforcing # SELINUXTYPE= can take one of three two values: # targeted - Targeted processes are protected, # minimum - Modification of targeted policy. Only selected processes are protected. # mls - Multi Level Security protection. SELINUXTYPE=targeted

  1. 检查基本环境

    • python (系统自带2.7.5,无pip)
    • node
    • erlang
    • c/c++ (parser) (系统自带gcc 4.8.5)
    • Java (Spark/Hadoop)

  2. 安装pip,shadowsocks,polipo

    #安装epel-release (扩展包, pip 需要)
    yum install epel-release
    yum -y update

    3.1 配置shadowsocks

    yum install python-setuptools && easy_install pip
    #如果发现easy_insall pip 说找不到,可以使用
    #yum install python-pip 替代
    pip install shadowsocks
    mkdir -p /etc/shadowsocks
    vi /etc/shadowsocks/config.json
    "local_address": "",
    vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/shadowsocks-client.service
    Description=Shadowsocks Client
    ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /var/run/shadowsocks
    ExecStartPre=/bin/chown root:root /var/run/shadowsocks
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/sslocal --pid-file /var/run/shadowsocks/client.pid -c /etc/shadowsocks/config.json

    3.2 配置polipo

     git clone https://github.com/jech/polipo.git
     make all
     mkdir /etc/polipo
     [root@node01 centibox]# cat /etc/polipo/conf
     proxyAddress = ""
     socksParentProxy = ""
     socksProxyType = socks5
     chunkHighMark = 50331648
     objectHighMark = 16384
     serverMaxSlots = 64
     serverSlots = 16
     serverSlots1 = 32
  3. 安装docker

    Docker.com 有一篇详细的文档.


    curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh
    usermod -aG docker centibox
    docker run --cpu-shares 5 -m 64m  hello-world
    echo  $(docker ps -a -q)



  1. Q: Delta RPMs disabled because /usr/bin/applydeltarpm not installed.

    A: 安装deltarpm

    yum install deltarpm
  2. Q: make: makeinfo: Command not found

    A: 安装texinfo

    texinfo.x86_64 : Tools needed to create Texinfo format documentation files

    yum install texinfo
  3. Q: CentOS7 默认没有telnet

    A: 安装telnet

    yum install telnet.x86_64